10 Snack Ideas for Recovery

When recovering from an eating disorder, it can be challenging to come up with snack ideas that are both satisfying and nourishing. It’s important to find snacks that provide the necessary nutrients and energy to support recovery, while also being enjoyable to eat. In this post, I will share some of my favorite snack ideas that have helped me throughout my eating disorder recovery journey.

Dinner Ideas in Recovery

Having struggled with an eating disorder and been in recovery for some time, I understand how challenging meal times can be. For many individuals in recovery, the thought of preparing and consuming food can trigger anxiety and fear. However, it is important to remember that nourishing your body is a crucial component of the healing process. That’s why I wanted to share some dinner ideas that are both satisfying and nourishing.

Apple Snacks Recipe

As someone who loves healthy and delicious snacks, I’m excited to share one of my favorite recipes featuring a classic ingredient – apple slices! This snack is perfect for satisfying any sweet cravings and it’s also easy to make and incredibly versatile.

Banana Berry Smoothie Bowl Recipe

As someone who is always on-the-go, I find that smoothie bowls are the perfect breakfast or snack option. They’re easy to make, portable, and can be customized to your taste preferences. Not to mention, they’re a great way to pack in a lot of nutrients in one meal!