Kindly, Carbs

As someone who’s been on a journey of recovery from an eating disorder, I’ve learned that understanding the importance of carbs can be a game-changer. For many, carbs have been unfairly demonized in our quest for control, but in reality, they play a pivotal role in our physical and emotional well-being. In this blog post, I want to shed light on why we need carbs and how they can aid in eating disorder recovery.

Apple Snacks Recipe

As someone who loves healthy and delicious snacks, I’m excited to share one of my favorite recipes featuring a classic ingredient – apple slices! This snack is perfect for satisfying any sweet cravings and it’s also easy to make and incredibly versatile.

Reasons I’m Reaching for Recovery

As someone who has struggled with an eating disorder, I understand how hard it can be to take those first steps towards recovery. The process can feel daunting, overwhelming, and even impossible at times. But as I’ve journeyed through recovery, I’ve come to realize that the reasons to recover far outweigh the reasons to remain stuck in the cycle of disordered eating

My Experience Beginning Recovery

How did I know when I was ready to reach for recovery? I can say with confidence that I still can’t put my finger on what happened inside of me. Something just clicked. I had a few thoughts and helpful “aha” moments along the way that pushed me to a place where I felt safe to recover, but I don’t think I’ll ever know what the final tipping point was.