The Scale Struggle

closeup photo of floating flowers poster
closeup photo of floating flowers poster

As someone who has had a very long and complex relationship with the scale, I understand the overwhelming urge to weigh myself constantly. The scale can become a source of validation, punishment, and obsession all at once. But through my recovery journey, I learned that ditching the scale was a crucial step in healing my relationship with food and my body.

At first, the idea of not weighing myself felt scary and uncomfortable. I felt like I needed the number on the scale to dictate how I felt about myself and my progress in recovery. But as I began to challenge the rigid rules and beliefs I had around food and my body, I realized that the scale was only holding me back.

Here are some of the ways that ditching the scale has positively impacted my recovery journey:

  1. I’m able to focus on my mental and emotional health

When I was constantly weighing myself, my entire day would revolve around the number on the scale. If the number went down, I would feel elated and proud of myself. If it went up, I would feel like a failure and spiral into negative self-talk. But by letting go of the scale, I’m able to focus on my mental and emotional health instead of obsessing over a number.

  1. I’m learning to trust my body

One of the biggest challenges in eating disorder recovery is learning to trust your body. When you’ve been ignoring your body’s signals for so long, it can be difficult to tune back in and listen to what it needs. But by ditching the scale, I’ve been able to shift my focus to how my body feels instead of how it looks or what it weighs. I’m learning to trust my hunger and fullness cues, and I’m discovering that my body is actually pretty good at regulating itself when I let it.

  1. I’m able to enjoy food without guilt or shame

When I was weighing myself constantly, food became a source of anxiety and stress. I would feel guilty and ashamed if I ate something that I deemed “bad” or if I ate too much. But by ditching the scale, I’ve been able to let go of those rigid rules and restrictions. I’m able to enjoy food without feeling guilty or ashamed, and I’m discovering new foods and flavors that I never would have tried before.

  1. I’m discovering my true worth beyond my weight

For so long, I tied my worth and value as a person to the number on the scale. I thought that if I could just reach a certain weight or size, I would finally be happy and fulfilled. But by ditching the scale, I’m learning that my worth and value as a person are not determined by my weight or appearance. I’m discovering my passions, my strengths, and my unique qualities that make me who I am.

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Ditching the scale is not an easy process, and it’s not something that happens overnight. It takes time and patience to unlearn the harmful beliefs and behaviors that are often ingrained in us through diet culture and societal pressures. But I truly believe that letting go of the scale is a crucial step in healing our relationship with food and our bodies.

If you’re struggling with an eating disorder or disordered eating, I encourage you to consider ditching the scale. Talk to your treatment team or a trusted friend or family member about your concerns and fears. Remember that recovery is possible, and it starts with small steps towards healing and self-compassion.

For more content about ditching your scale, check out “Why You Should Throw Out Your Scale in ED Recovery,” which is a post by Recovery Warriors that explores the many benefits of throwing out the scale.