“I will give you rest”

white and brown flower petals

This morning, I was reminded of a truth that carries me through every single day in recovery, and in every other part of my life. There’s so much strength in finding rest in the midst of the storm. Matthew 11:28 says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”. It’s like a sweet invitation, a reminder that we don’t have to carry the weight alone.

Recovery can be a beautiful mess, a journey filled with highs and lows, victories and setbacks. But in the midst of it all, finding rest is crucial. It’s not just about physical rest but about finding solace for our weary souls. Let’s dive into how turning to the Lord can be a turning point in our recovery journey.

Embracing Vulnerability and Seeking Support

green trees during daytime

Recovery is a journey that demands vulnerability. It’s about acknowledging that we need help and reaching out to those who care. There’s strength in admitting that we can’t do it all on our own. In those moments, it’s like the Lord is whispering, “Come to me, dear one. You are not alone.”

As we seek support, we find that we are cared for not only by the people around us but also by a higher power that knows us intimately. In this journey, it’s not just about physical nourishment but also about nurturing our souls with the love and support we find in our relationships and in our faith.

Navigating Triggers with Mindfulness

Triggers are like those unexpected waves that threaten to pull us back into the storm. But guess what? We have a lifeguard who’s always on duty. Turning to the Lord in moments of stress and anxiety can be a powerful anchor. It’s about finding peace in the midst of chaos, much like the calm that settles after a storm.

One way to navigate triggers is through mindfulness. Paying attention to the present moment can be a game-changer. Sites like Mindful.org offer practical tips and exercises to incorporate mindfulness into our daily lives. It’s about reclaiming our thoughts and finding rest in the beauty of each moment, trusting that we are held in the hands of something greater.

Building a Foundation of Self-Compassion

a bunch of white flowers that are on a tree

Recovery is a process of rebuilding, and the foundation is self-compassion. It’s about treating ourselves with the same kindness and understanding that we would offer to a friend. The Bible speaks to this, reminding us of a love that is patient and kind, never failing us in our moments of need.

Sites like Self-Compassion.org provide resources to cultivate self-compassion. It’s about acknowledging our imperfections and understanding that, sweet friend, you are deserving of love and care, especially from yourself. In those moments when the journey feels heavy, come to the One who offers rest and learn to extend that same grace to yourself.

Finding Joy in Nourishing the Mind and Body

Recovery isn’t just about overcoming challenges; it’s also about rediscovering joy. Nourishing our minds and bodies becomes an act of self-love. In the chaos of calorie counts and food fears, we can find rest in the simple pleasure of a delicious meal or a moment of laughter with friends.

We’re reminded of the importance of joy and gratitude in recovery. Sites like NEDA offer resources on joyful living. It’s about celebrating the small victories and finding beauty in the journey. The Lord invites us to rest in the joy of the present, finding solace in the simple pleasures that surround us.

The Power of Community and Connection

Recovery is not a solo mission; it’s about building a supportive community. It’s the beauty of shared experiences, the strength found in knowing that others understand the struggles. In the arms of community, we find rest.

Sites like Eating Disorder Hope offer forums and resources to connect with others on this journey. It’s about lifting each other up, reminding one another that we are not alone. The Lord calls us into a community of love and support, a place where we can find rest in the understanding gaze of those who walk this path with us.

Closing Thoughts

So here we are, navigating the winding roads of recovery. In the midst of it all, remember the sweet invitation: “Come to me, all you who are weary, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). It’s a call to find rest not just in the absence of struggle but in the arms of the One who cares for us deeply.

Recovery is a journey of healing, and in the process, we discover that we are cherished, seen, and held. So take a moment, breathe, and lean into the rest that awaits. You are not alone, and the One who calls you is faithful to provide the sweetest rest for your weary soul.