Embracing Body-Positivity and Self-Love

you are worthy of love sign beside tree and road
you are worthy of love sign beside tree and road

When I reflect upon my journey of eating disorder recovery, one of the most significant shifts I experienced was embracing body positivity and cultivating self-love. It was not an easy path, but it has been transformative. In this blog post, I want to share my personal insights and provide valuable resources for those who are also on their own recovery journey.

Embracing Your Unique Beauty:

Throughout my recovery, I discovered that true beauty transcends societal standards and expectations. Our bodies are unique and deserve to be celebrated. Rather than striving for an unattainable ideal, I started focusing on appreciating the beauty in my individuality. The Curvy Fashionista blog offers an empowering perspective on body positivity, fashion, and self-acceptance.

Challenging Internalized Beliefs:

Eating disorders often stem from deep-rooted negative beliefs about our bodies. Overcoming these beliefs requires conscious effort and self-compassion. The NEDA (National Eating Disorders Association) website provides an array of resources, including articles and toolkits, to challenge internalized beliefs and foster self-love.

Cultivating Self-Compassion:

Recovery taught me the importance of self-compassion. Instead of berating myself for past actions, I learned to embrace forgiveness and understanding. Kristin Neff’s self-compassion exercises, available on her website, are invaluable tools for developing a kinder relationship with ourselves.

Exploring Body-Positive Communities:

Surrounding ourselves with supportive communities can be a game-changer in eating disorder recovery. The Body Is Not an Apology, an inclusive platform advocating for radical self-love and body acceptance, hosts an inspiring blog that offers relatable stories and empowering insights.

Rebuilding a Healthy Relationship with Food:

In recovery, reestablishing a positive and nourishing relationship with food is paramount. Ditching diet culture and embracing intuitive eating can be transformative. The blog “Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Anti-Diet Approach” by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch provides practical guidance and resources to help reclaim our innate wisdom around food.

Mind-Body Connection:


Healing from an eating disorder involves nurturing the mind-body connection. Yoga and meditation have been instrumental in my recovery journey, allowing me to reconnect with my body in a compassionate and gentle way. Yoga with Adriene offers free online yoga classes suitable for all levels, promoting self-acceptance and self-care.

Seeking Professional Support:

While personal efforts are crucial, seeking professional help is essential in eating disorder recovery. Therapists, registered dietitians, and support groups can provide invaluable guidance and support tailored to individual needs. The Eating Disorder Hope website provides an extensive directory of professionals and treatment centers specializing in eating disorder recovery.


Recovering from an eating disorder is a courageous journey, and embracing body positivity and self-love plays a vital role in the healing process. Remember, every step you take toward embracing your unique beauty and cultivating self-compassion brings you closer to a healthier and happier life.